Wednesday 25 November 2009


in between.. I've said yes to a new place to live and am awaiting a reply for the how and when. Mostly when and where the paperwork needs to go and be signed. Looking for a room to rent has sent me across london. Dodging dirty kitchens, dodgy flatmates and all manner of scams. I'm hoping this one pulls through for who wouldn't want to give up the commute for a brisk half hour walk into work ?

Unfortunately, I've fallen into the trap of postponing everything. Whats the point of getting your hands dirty when you're about to move house? I'll have to pack everything anyway. All two suitcases and one bag full of earthly possessions. But I don't have a date, have yet to sign a contract. Still waiting for any word from my new new housemate, I don't get much done, mesmerised by what I'm hoping is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Wednesday 4 November 2009


skyline wandsworth

I see him die every day yet he never grows old
amongst human settlements built only a generation ago
our city grows at a rate like a mould with fractal precision
he sees us come and go
without him we would not be so
we must provide him with glee