Wednesday 15 July 2009

Wednesday 15 July ´09

I think I just need to ..write. I just realised my problem with writing a Blog is that I treat it very much like writing an article and when writing a piece I ofcourse want to nail it. I wanna get it just right. I want it to be informative and entertaining and all that grunge. I guess the problem is solved by giving proper writings an actual title and mere logs, updates, a date.

Its Wednesday 15th of July ´09 the world has not come to an end and I am seriously disappointed. How long do people think they can hype the end of the world without it
turning out like a complete waste of time. Skynet has not taken over the world but we´re working on it: it won't be long before robots patrol a battlefield near youNow they´re making a movie on the end of some Mayan calender called 2012 that is coming out this fall which looks kinda cool in an oversized bucket of popcorn kinda way. I just find it odd that no one´s made a movie out of Revelations. They make a horror movie out of Jesus: 'lets not focus on his teachings but just the suffering' and all the faithful flock and it makes a cool 100 million.. (sorry its actually:not bad for someone who ate with his hands . You´d think they would already be looking to make a sequel, busy skimming through the rest of the no-longer-brand-New Testament. But no, Angels and Demons will have to do.

I quit smoking about a month and a half ago and, and that doesn't really mean anything until it has been several years, and now my cheeks are thicker than they used to be and kind of white. Twittering about this I got a spate of new followers sending me messages of support. My lip tastes funny and my gums look weird after I brush my teeth. I got two mouthwashes, those vitamin pills you dissolve in a glass of bottled water and taste like Fanta, and it won´t go away. So, here's what you should not do when you have something weird, or are in a foreign place without insurance or a job: look up the symptoms online. Only in the extreme cases of abject boredom would I suggest you look up ailments online. You will not be bored but that´s the only thing that will be cured: you now have cancer. Yes, the internet gave me cancer. Its my own fault ofcourse, when I couldn´t find anything that sounded like what I thought were my symptons I should´ve given up and maybe see a docter. But no, I googled on and started looking for pictures. I know I need to go to a dentist and he or she is probably going to give me a hard time while wringing their hands thinking of all the things they can buy with the money I'll have to hand over but I do count myself fortunate they don't look anything like that though they probably could have done with braces but I'm from a generation before it became mandatory. Oh.. before we we're even advised to floss. I should tweet that.. just to see who responds. The scary thing about that is there are people whose job it is to follow certain topics and then befriend you in the hope one day l-like me- you will check out who they are and click on their homepage.. maybe an ad by accident.. and they get to make the 2 c per click as advertised on your Facebook page. But it probably sounded a bit more like "I made thousands in a few weeks from home while I was unemployed."

15:15 its finally quiet around the house. A. paying her monthly due for her double XX rated chromosomes I decided to get the hell out of the house and back to my own apartment for some Gears 2/Horde with Javi, my spanish flatmate. I figured I would get some proper sleep as well as the night before they were cleaning the street with what sounded like a tank and she has upstairs neighbours who start doing the laundry at 11 in the evening till 2am and then most mornings from 5am onwards. Her fridge is very loud at regular intervals though the freezer doesn´t work and when she can´t sleep she likes to flip over beside me like a fish on dry land..
and sighs.. Since I quit smoking pot I´ve learned that the old "its helping me sleep" excuse was really just that: an excuse, because I doze off within minutes. Unless all of the aforementioned are working in tandem to tease me into thinking about Torture, and other things I would like to do to people who keep me from sleeping and are not in the same room with me. That last part I added after some thought, it is now 15:29. Because it gets so unbearable hot in Barcelona, the people here have devised a lifestyle in order to get things done which involves a powernap in the late afternoon that rhymes with the spanish word for
shit. I used to hate split-shifts on the terrace. Now, I get to do it in my spare-time. Even A. thought of it as lazy before summer got into full swing. Heat evaporates the ability to do anything but lounge. So you have to make the most of the mornings and evenings when its bearable. Around 7 am my neighbours start barging through the halls, disrupting my sleep enough to become aware in my dreams but not to get up. Having conversations in what sounds like arabic interspersed with 'valè' or portuguese.. so its probably Catalan. If only they spoke castellano I could learn in my sleep ! But it is not to be and neither is my refuge from the cell division of this living organism we call city: there's now construction on the floor above me here aswell. Skip to 54s of this youtube "Ren loses his cool" for my feelings on the matter.


  1. Well Yann, all I can say is try to keep your chin up, things will get better they will, You will find another apartment, or maybe your irritating neighbors will move out. Keep on applying for the jobs, maybe try changing what type of job you are looking for research what jobs there are a shortage of in Barcelona and then focus on those if they apply to you. Life has its ups and downs its just up to you if you want to enjoy the ride or not.

  2. thanks for being the first to comment mr Noodle
    I was just ramling I didn't mean to sound downbeat. Obviously, this not-working thing means having to make some big decisions. I'll try and write something a little bit more lighthearted for my next update.
    There are some nice bits that I'd like to re-use for a proper piece but in the mean time my main focus is to enjoy writing for a bit.

  3. Hey Mr Yann,
    Just from what you wrote you seemed a bit down in the dumps- as I said regarding your job, maybe look into other areas (other than hospitality) . Its good that you are enjoying writing and writing a blog. I wish I had the time and patience to put my thoughts into words as you have !
    Take Care of yourself and A.

  4. Yann,
    I didn't know you had so many profiles in so many places... I have the same problem and I'm not on half the programs you're on. Man, the joys of quitting cigarrettes... It's been nearly one year and a half for me (I'm not so sure 'cos I didn't really set a date for it).
    As for neighbours, we have quite an interesting couple next door... with a crying, no, screaming baby that wakes us up nearly every night. FUN.
    Anyway, sympathy aside, it's good to read something truthful like that. Most people just write about what they bought in the market, what's on TV and all that. I just wish I had the time to do the same (my blogs all die at a very young age).
    Good luck with finding a job and don't let ur blog die.
    Pls tell A. to drop a line if she's still on Facebook (I barely write to people there, so, apologize for me).
